uPVC Window

uPVC Custom Window

Give your home one-of-a-kind individuality with unique window shapes to light up your room and imagination. Add some circles, triangles, and hexagons to your home. Or how about an eyebrow or cathedral? We offer a complete line of architectural shape windows for new construction or remodelling and replacement use. They add a unique individuality to any room, and are crafted with the same meticulous attention to detail as all our Sierra Pacific products.

  • Full line of Sierra Pacific’s performance and decorative glazing options.
  • Simulated divided grilles or grilles-between-the-glass.
  • Exterior colours are European white, beige, or optional Ultrabond paint colours.  
  • NEW! Superior laminated black interior and exterior available.

Additional Extras & Modifications

Colour, FLY Screens, Glass and Grilles Can all be modified. Please
Enquire with us for more details